We Envision Stronger Communities
We are committed to doing our part. Our contribution includes funding forty-two endowed scholarships for students attending the Washington University McKelvey School of Engineering. With so many worthy organizations that could use our donations and time, we are pleased to commit our resources to a program that can make such a direct and immediate impact.
About The Wash. U. Scholarship Program
Envision, LLC. is proud of this great program that dramatically changes lives by making it possible for students from low-to-moderate-income families to get an outstanding education at Washington University that they could not afford without a scholarship. The donor meets his scholarship recipients at the annual Engineering Scholarship dinner. A student recipient gives a speech, and the donor can see firsthand what a difference their contributions make.
Envision also gives large donations to the largest food pantry in St. Louis and the Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis.
Learn More About Our Community Involvement